(609) 921-4174
46 Tanglewood Ct, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852, New Jersey, USA



Smart Future Brains renders full-cycle software development and IT consulting services, relying on 10 years of experience and comprehensive expertise in cutting-edge technologies. Bringing together skillful IT specialists in different domains, we deliver technically sophisticated turnkey solutions which empower businesses with new opportunities and create competitive advantages.



React, React Redux, React Admin, React-Draggable, Immutable, Reselect, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux-Saga, Redux-Persist, Redux-Intl, Redux-Form, Formik, RxJS, Nx, React-i18n, React-Native, React-Navigation, React-Router-DOM, Three.JS, Styled-Components, NextJS


Vue, Vuex, Vue Router, Vue Test Utils, NuxtJS, Framework7, Vue Loader, Vite, Vue CLI, Vue Meta, Vue I18n, Vuelidate, vue-chartjs, Vuetify, Element UI, Quasar Framework, Bootstrap Vue, Rollbar, Auth0


Angular, Angular material, KendoUI, Ant Design, PrimeNG, Bootstrap, DevExtreme, Nebular, Ag Grid;
NgRx, NGXS, MobX, Akita;
D3.js, ngx-translate, Formly, Nx, cytoscape.js, Ionic, Angular CDK, Chart.js


Material, Ant Design, Apollo GraphQL, Protractor, Jasmine, Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Electron, SSR, Lodash, Date-FNS, CSS, SASS/SCSS, LESS, Lerna, TypeScript



PHPBigCommerce, WooCommerce, Drupal, PWA, PHP, AMP V3, ReactPHP, DUKPT, Laravel, Symfony, Yii2, Laminas, Magento, Shopify, PrestaShop, OpenCart, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, PHP::FFI, PHP::JIT, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, REST/SOAP/GraphQL API, JWT, OAuth, HTML, Twig, CSS, SASS/SCSS, LESS, Web Socket, Swagger, Redis, ElasticSearch, Docker, Vagrant, AWS SQS, Payment systems integrations (Stripe, Coinbase, Circle, PayPal, Authorize.net), social integrations (Facebook, Google), Firebase CM, WebRTC, Video Streaming, NopCommerce


Java SE/EE, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, RxJava, Spring Framework (Core, Data, Boot, Batch, Cloud, Security, Retry, MVC, AOP, Reactor), MapStruct, Lombok, Feign, WebFlux, Vert.x, jOOQ, Hibernate, JPA2, QueryDSL, Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, IBM MQ, Apache Spark, Apache NiFi, Apache Camel, Flyway, Liquibase, Keycloak, Microservices Architecture, ELK, Prometheus, Grafana, Splunk, AppDynamics, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, REST, WebSockets, RSocket, SOAP, GraphQL, GWT, DB (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra), Lucene, Solr, ElasticSearch, Redis, Ehcache, Hazelcast, Caffeine, Camunda, Activiti, Zeebe, jBPM, Flowable, JUnit, TestNG, Mockito, Cucumber




Django, Django Rest Framework, Flask, FastAPI, AsyncIo, AioHttp, Tornado, Celery, Microservices Architecture, Docker/Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, DynamoDB, REST API, GraphQL, Web Socket, Swagger, JWT, OAuth


NestJS, Koa, Express, RxJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, GraphQL, Mongoose, TypeORM, Sequelize, Passport, Knex, AWS (Lamda, EC2, RDS)


Unity, Godot, Blender, Krita, Amplify Shader Editor, MapBox SDK, Unity IAP; Firebase SDK; ARCore, AR Foundation, ARKit, Vuforia; Google VR SDK, Steam VR SDK; Unity XR Platform SDK

Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine, C++, C, C#, Blueprints, UAT, UE4 Shader Graph, Unity URP HLSL, OpenGL ES


Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Hanami, Padrino, Volt, EventMachine, Rack, Sidekiq, GraphQL, Web Socket, Swagger, JWT, OAuth


Go, gORM,Gin, protobuf, gRPC, AWS, GCP, Docker, Redis, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL


STL/C++11/14/17/20, GCC, CLang, MSVC++, WinDBG, GDB, Visual Studio, QTCreator, VIM, VSCode, CMake, Makefile, Ninja, Conan, Vcpkg, Boost, opencv, poco, protobuf, gRPC, fmt, pybindll, spdlog, ranges_v3, tensorflow, opencl, Asio++, gtest/gmock, cppunit, QT, catch2, google profiler, pytorch c++, chromium


Cobol, GnuCOBOL, VSAM, JCL, TSO/ISPF, XPEDITER, FileAid, Changeman, CICS, Hostbridge, SQL/DB2, Endevor, Visual Studio, TACL, FTP, SFTP, SCOBOL, DDL, ENFORM, eInspect, Batchcom



Java, Kotlin, MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Multi-module architecture AAC (ViewModel, LiveData, Lifecycle, Navigation Component, Paging), Dagger2 + Hilt, Toothpick, Moxy, Cicerone, RxJava 2, Coroutines, Retrofit, kotlinx Serialization, ViewBinding, DataBinding, JUnit, Mockito, MockK, Robolectric, detekt, ktlint


Objective-C, Swift, MVP, MVVM, Clean Swift SnapKit, XIB, SwiftUI, GCD, RxSwift, Combine, Swinject, Alamofire, URLSession, AVFoundation, MapKit + CoreLocation, WatchKit, WatchConnectivity, XCTest, SwiftLint, Apple TV, iPad app

Rative Native

JavaScript, React, React Native, React Navigation, Redux, Redux-Saga, Redux-Persist, Redux-Offline, Redux-Thunk, RxJS, TypeScript, Apollo GraphQL, StyleSheet, React-Form-Hook, Firebase, Hasura, i18n, Styled-Components


Dart, Bloc, Clean Architecture, Multi-Package architecture Flutter, Flutter Web, Dart async, RxDart, Dart Streams, Navigator 2.0, GetIt, Dio, GraphQL, linter (effective dart style), Mocktail, Bloc Test

Cloud & platforms

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), DynamoDB, Relational Database Service (RDS), AWS Lambda, ElastiCache, CloudSearch

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud SQL, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Datastore, Google Cloud Bigtable

Microsoft Azure

Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Web Apps, Azure Functions, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Notification Hub, Azure AI, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Event Hub, Azure Tables, Azure Queue, Azure DevOps Pipelines, Azure Content Delivery Network, Azure Application Insights, Azure Kubernetes, Azure SQL


SAP ABAP 7.5+, SAP UI5, SAP Fiori, JavaScript, HTML, XML, JSON, SAP S/4HANA (HANA DB, AMDP, CDS-extractors), SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public, SAP FI, SAP SD, SAP RE, SAP SCM, SAP HCM, SAP BTP, SAP RAP and CAP, ADT Eclipse, SOAP, OData APIs, ABAP Proxy, FTP, SFTP, IDOC, DBOC, PDF Adobe form, XSTL, MWB, S/4HANA migration, ALV Grid, ALV Tree


Automation Testing

Selenium, Playwright, Cypress, Puppeteer, TestCafe, CodeceptJS, WebDriverIO, Appium, Nightwatch, Detox, Selendroid, Espresso, XCTest, XUITest, Cucumber, SpecFlow, R-Spec, Capybara, Robot Framework, Serenity, Spok, Gauge, Rest-assured, RestSharp, Allure Report, ReportPortal, k6 Grafana, JMeeter, Gatling, Kibana, Selenoid, Docker, Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, GitHub Actions, Azure DevOps, CircleCI

Manual Testing

SoapUI, Postman, Altair GraphQL Client, Swagger, Charles Proxy, Fiddler, Android Studio, Genymotion



MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Azure SQL Database, H2


MongoDB, Apache CouchDB, Apache Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Amazon DynamoDB, Azure DocumentDB, Azure Table storage, Azure Blob storage, Firebase, Neo4j, HBase


Memcached, Hazelcast, Redis, Amazon ElastiCache, Azure Redis Cache, EVCache, Dynomite


Apache Lucene, Elasticsearch, Amazon CloudSearch, Azure Search, Solr



Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, InVision Studio, Proto.io, Marvel, Zeplin, Flowmapp, Balsamic, Hotjar, Adobe Collection


User interviews, focus groups, user story maps, MVT and A/B testing, UI review, usability testing, eye tracking, Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica


3D Studio Max, Corona Render, 3D Coat, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect, Unity, Amplify, Shader, ZBrush, Substance Painter, ShaderMap


AWS, Azure, GCP, Digital Ocean, Kubernetes, Terraform, CloudFormation, Ansible, Docker, Docker Compose, Bash, CI/CD, Linux administration, High Availability, HiLoad, Zabbix, Prometheus, Data Dog, ELK, Grafana


Kafka (Core, Streams, Connect, Schema Registry), RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Nats, ActiveMQ, IBM MQ, Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Hub, IoT Hub


Git, Ansible, CloudFormation, Jenkins, Bamboo, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket CI/CD, Helm, Terraform, Terragrunt, Kubernetes Operators, IntelliJ IDEA

Management, planning tools

Jira, Trello, Microsoft Teams, Slack, MS Project, VersionOne, Mantis, Trac, Redmine, Zoom, Replicon

Technological domains





Machine learning

Real-time communication

Why Choose Smart Future Brains As Your
Technolgy Agency

Boost Your Revenue Growth Rate and Achieve Online Success


Full-cycle software

Smart Future Brains delivers cutting-edge end-to-end software development services for businesses worldwide

IT audit &

We help optimize business processes, supporting technological solutions, implementing highly efficient workflows, and identifying problematic aspects of the business.


Our team of IT professionals creates effective software systems to empower businesses with digital innovations and intelligent automation

IT staff

Our company provides senior and mid-level development team as a service to enhance in-house IT departments and meet the needs of software development projects of any size

Web development solutions FAQ

The terms of web solution development may vary a lot from project to project. Based on the complexity, scope of functionality, and general purpose of your website, it may take from 3-6 weeks to several months to complete. The fastest results without a bit of sacrificed quality can be achieved with a savvy development provider backing up the project.
Custom web solutions translate your individual needs, goals, and desires perfectly, reflecting the uniqueness of your vision or brand attributes in all the right places. Custom web development services give you more control, translate your requirements into functional solutions more directly, and allow achieving truly authentic market results.
Guaranteeing extensive online visibility and popularity of created web solutions is among the top priorities at mart Future Brains. For this, we have a separate team of SEO specialists that tweak and manage all web content for the highest SEO ranking positions.
A perfectly fitting web development company should have successfully finished projects similar to what you have in mind in the portfolio, be willing and ready to take on any task you have in an individual manner, and help you find your way around all the technical stuff without going far. Smart Future Brains consults, directs, and leads projects to their full-cycle completion, helping out at all stages, including post-release.
Out there in the market, these terms can be interchangeable, but it depends on the particular scope of work at hand – web designers can help build the front end and implement a lot of user-oriented details while web developers code elements, create, and add features to solutions. It is the combination of both that makes up a team of specialists that create essential parts of web solutions – front end, back end, UI/UX, and web functionality.

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